
Live Travel Create

“We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic to creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has been changed, and that changes everything”

Jonah Lehrer
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To me, creating something starts with a vision, perpetuates with a feasible solution, and ends with an urge to do it all over again. I thrive off of conjuring ideas and formulating solutions to those ideas. I have found that creating something new on a regular basis has significantly improved my life. Whether it is creating a physical object or creating a way to travel the world luxuriously and abundantly, it keeps me constantly learning and growing. I have a responsibility to myself to create a life worth living. One that is exciting, intriguing, and never boring. Along with a fondness for photography and videography, this site serves as a way to combine what I find meaningful in life and hopefully it will inspire others to find similar fulfillment. Create, travel, and create ways to travel…

Current Location:

PO Box 53235 San Jose, CA 95153


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